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Goleta West Sanitary District buildings

The District was formed as the Isla Vista Sanitary District in 1954 to serve the needs of the growing area of Isla Vista. The organization established a five member board of directors and hired a general manager. The District changed its name to Goleta West Sanitary District in January 1990 to more accurately reflect the District’s growing service area.

In the late 1950’s over five miles of sewer lines were installed in the Isla Vista area using assessment bonds. The balance of the system – force main, pump station and trunk sewers – was financed by issuing general obligation bonds. Through a joint use agreement the District connected to its eastern neighbor – the Goleta Sanitary District – and its treatment plant located across from the entrance to Santa Barbara Airport. The District owned only five percent of the plant capacity in the 50’s but has expanded its ownership to over 40% to meet District needs.

As residential subdivisions and commercial growth have expanded the service area, development has paid for sewer system expansions.

The District currently serves approximately 6,100 service connections and maintains over 62 miles of a wastewater collection system including gravity lines, manholes, pump stations, and force mains. Most District sewer lines are made of vitrified clay pipe (VCP), and diameters range from 6 to 42 inches with the majority of lines consisting of 8-inch diameter pipe.

The District commenced providing street sweeping service for public roads through an outsourced contract in October 1963. In 1969, this activity was brought “in house” with the purchase of a street sweeper and additional staff.