Board/Employee Compensation Information

GWSD’s Compensation Goals and Objectives
One of Goleta West Sanitary District’s (GWSD) organizational objectives is to recruit and retain qualified staff to manage and perform the functions necessary to conduct the District’s business. To ensure that all employee classifications are compensated fairly, GWSD engages independent human resources consultants to conduct periodic compensation studies to ensure GWSD’s compensation package is comparable to those offered by nearby agencies that are a similar size and provide the same types of services. The GWSD Board of Directors uses this comparative data to set employee compensation.
GWSD’s Classification & Compensation Plan
The entire GWSD Classification & Compensation Plan is included in Appendix “A” of GWSD’s Personnel Policies/Employee Handbook. Appendix “A” identifies the salary ranges and hourly pay table for the District’s employee positions. It also provides information about compensation procedures, employee benefits, reimbursement policies, and incentive programs. A link to Appendix “A” is available below.
Beginning in 2010, GWSD must annually prepare a Local Government Compensation Report for the California State Controller’s Office. That report provides salary, compensation and benefit information for all elected, appointed and employed personnel. This report provides a snapshot of GWSD’s current employment expenditures. GWSD’s most recent Local Government Compensation Report can be found through the California State Controller’s Government Compensation in California Website.
General Manager Information
The General Manager/Superintendent is an exempt employee that serves at the pleasure of the GWSD Board of Directors. Compensation is set by the Board of Directors. The General Manager/Superintendent is authorized to use a District vehicle and receives 56 hours of administrative leave.
Board of Directors Information
The Directors of the GWSD Board are compensated in the amount of $245.00 per day for each day’s attendance at meetings of the Board and for each day’s service rendered as a director by request of the board, including service on Board committees and representing the District at meetings of other public agencies and professional organizations. California law limits compensation for attendance at meetings to no more than one (1) meeting per day and no more than six (6) meetings in any calendar month.
The District publishes a list of the Goleta West committees on which each Director serves, including alternates, along with a list of public agencies and professional organizations to which Directors have been appointed to represent the District. The Board of Directors Disclosure Information is below.